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Auricon Cine-Voice CM-72A

Auricon Cine-Voice CM-72A vintage 16mm motion picture film camera

Item #C10666

The Auricon line of 16mm cameras, audio recording devices, and accessories was launched in the 1940’s with the introduction of a double system variable-area sound-on-film recorder. Contemporary sources indicate that the company was founded in 1934 in New York as the Berndt-Maurer Corporation by John Maurer and Eric Berndt, both former RCA employees. Walter Bach was added to the team soon after. The company's early output included a follow focus, a synchronous motor, and a blimp for the Cine Kodak Special. They moved to Los Angeles around 1939 and launched their first Auricon-branded audio recorder soon after. In 1940, Berndt and Bach split from Maurer and established the E.M. Berndt Corporation to manufacture and market their Auricon products. Their first 16mm camera was introduced in 1942 and it was of a wooden box design, due in part to war-time material shortages. This camera was followed by the Auricon Cine-Voice CM-72 camera ca. 1950. The CM-72 had an updated metal case design, a 100’ internal capacity, and offered single-system sound-on-film recording capabilities. Popular for newsgathering because of its compact and portable design, the camera was further upgraded to the CM-72A. This version featured a synchronous motor, and could be used for either single or double-system sound recording.

  1. William Stull, ASC, "Auricon Sound Camera Makes Box," American Cinematographer (April 1942): 165, 174, 176, View Source.
  2. Charles Loring, "New Horizons for 16mm News Filmers," American Cinematographer, (April 1950): 131, 136-139, View Source.
  3. "Eric M. Berndt announces..." ad in American Cinematographer (March 1935): 128, View Source.
  4. "The Auricon Super-1200," American Cinematographer, (March 1960): 180-182, View Source.
  5. "Bach Shows Auricon Super 1200 At World Premiere In New York," Business Screen Magazine, (No. 5 Vol. 12, 1951): 45, View Source.
  6. Auricon 16mm Professional Cameras and Sound-On-Film Equipment, advertising brochure produced by Bach Auricon Inc., (1971).

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Auricon Cine-Voice CM-72A vintage 16mm motion picture film camera
Auricon Cine-Voice CM-72A vintage 16mm motion picture film camera
Auricon Cine-Voice CM-72A vintage 16mm motion picture film camera