A gallery of equipment newly arrived at CinemaGear.com, including an Eclair CM3, a Parvo model JK, a Mitchell SS R16, an Auricon Gyro Tripod, a Wall 35mm camera, 16mm Mitchell magazines, a Akeley tripod, an Auricon CM-72 A camera, an Auricon CM-72 camera, Cine-Kodak Special magazines, a Bell & Howell Filmo, assorted camera magazines, a Cine-Kodak Special camera, two Akeley lenses, an Akeley pancake camera, an ARRI 35 camera, an Auricon camera, an Eclair NPR, an Auricon blimp for a Cine Kodak Special, two ARRI S cameras, an Auricon audio recording kit, a Sachtler fluid head, audio box for Wall 35 camera, Newman & Sinclair camera, a Beckman & Whitley CM 16 camera, and a Nagra III

An Amazing Camera Haul!

I was away much of the week doing my civic duty as a potential juror, so actual projects were on hold once again. In between waiting in the jury room and freedom, this absolutely stunning collection of motion picture cameras and equipment came into the shop. We only have time to give you a brief […]

An Amazing Camera Haul! Read More »

Repairing a Fries 3x65 15-perf Pull-Across Movement

Simple Jobs Are Never Simple: Repairing a Fries 15-perf pull-across 3×65 IMAX-format movement

A client asked me to inspect 2 more Fries 15-perf pull-across 3×65 IMAX-format movements. At first, this looked like it would be a simple project as I rebuilt a similar movement to these recently. However, no simple repair is ever as simple as it seems, and during my initial examination of the first of these

Simple Jobs Are Never Simple: Repairing a Fries 15-perf pull-across 3×65 IMAX-format movement Read More »