The next Bell & Howell camera on our restoration schedule is this early model 2709, serial #58. In beginning our research into the camera’s history, we started with the sales card which shows us the purchaser and sales date. The handwriting on this particular card is a bit difficult to decipher, but we think that the original owner was a Dr. Thomas. We can see that the purchase was made in Chicago on May 1, 1915, and that the owner picked up the camera in person. In our examination of the sales records, we have found that it is unusual for customers not local to the Chicago area to pick up orders in person. Most out of state/city order were delivered. So far we have not found any likely candidates for this Dr. Thomas in the Chicago area. Have any of you heard of a Mr./Dr. Thomas that might meet these criteria? While we think the sales card says “Dr. Thomas”, we are not absolutely positive that is what it says. We wonder if he was a medical doctor, a professor, a researcher, or not a doctor at all. We appreciate any input you might have.