Around 1983 I built this single frame rear process projector for my friend and colleague David Stipes. This lovely piece of machinery was used to project background plates into matte paintings and tabletop miniatures. We used it on such projects as “Ice Pirates”, “Real Genius”, “V”, “Trancers”, an episode of “The Twilight Zone”, and many more television shows, commercials, and feature films. The concept behind this projector was to put as many of the controls and functions in one box as possible. This projector featured stabilized variable voltage, volt meter, clock to monitor light bulb life, Acme Unit “I” Shuttle, vintage bullet head lamp house, custom projection lens, remote focus, and single frame advance operation. One of its most unique features was the hand control unit, which allows the animator or painter to run the projector from the shooting position and control focus, frame advance, and forward or reverse. This rear process projector is essentially an open-air optical printer. In the new home it is going to, it will be converted to a more conventional optical printer. Just thought it was interesting to share an old technique as this projector passes through my hands on its way to a new life.