I am glad that so many of you feel as warm and fuzzy toward the Arri 35 BL series of cameras as I do. As I dug deeper into the many, many cases that came from Lucky Brown’s collection, I discovered that the BL2 also has the extension viewfinder, three Cooke Speed Panchro lenses, lens focus and stop tabs, focus and stop strips, a zoom lens blimp for an Angenieux 20-120, and a motor variable speed control. With the addition of these accessories, I will have to rethink what I am asking for the camera.

While searching for my next restoration project, I stumbled over this lovely Arri 35 BL 4S that I used to shoot several of Lucky’s features. The camera originally belonged to Clairmont Camera and I was able to make a deal with Roy Isaia to add this to MovieTech’s collection. After a very deep cleaning that is still to be done, this camera package will feature the BL 4S camera body, video tap, two 1000’ magazines, extension eyepiece, 2-stage swing away matte box, drop-on follow focus, pistol grip, and a Tobin Cine variable speed control. While the camera is very dirty from sitting in storage and has way more tape on it than any camera should, it just needs a good deep clean and servicing before it will be available for sale. The Arri 35 BL 4S is one of my favorite cameras and I hope to find this one a good and appreciative home.