A collection of Kowa Cine Prominar, Cooke Speed Panchro, Cooke Kinetal, Angenieux, Schneider, Samcine, and Zeiss lenses

Another Hoard of Lenses for Your Entertainment

I am still hard at work on the ShowScan CP65 cameras, and if you aren’t too bored with that, I will show you more details next week. In the meantime, this wonderful collection of lenses, including an amazing trio of Kowa Cine Prominars, found its way to my shop this week. The collection also includes a couple of Angenieux zoom lenses, some Samcine rehoused Nikon lenses, a collection of very nice Schneider Cine Xenons, a Zeiss Distagon 28mm, and a couple of interesting Cooke lenses. All of the lenses are in BNCR mount, except for the Kowas which are in Mitchell MK II mount with BNCR adapters. The Kowas are easily convertible to PL adapters, though I don’t have any in stock right now. It will take me a week or so to clean and collimate the lenses and make them available for sale on my website at CinemaGear.com, but they are available now if anyone is interested.