Arriflex 35 BL 4S – Back in Action

I have been holding onto this Arriflex 35 BL 4S camera until I could really dig into the inner workings and make sure everything is in good working order. This is one of the two BL 4S cameras I used to shoot features for Lucky Brown at his MovieTech Studios. When I purchased the remaining equipment from his studio, this was one of the cameras I was most excited to get in hand. The ARRI BL 4S is one of my personal favorite cameras and this is an excellent example of this remarkable piece of filmmaking equipment. As the camera had sat for a number of years before I acquired it from Lucky’s estate, it was clearly necessary that I go through and service everything. I was most concerned about the factory belts, as they are notorious for decaying over time. Sure enough, that was the case with this camera. Total disassembly was required to remove the old, crumbling belts and replace them with new belts. While the camera was apart, all the bearings were inspected, replaced if necessary, all the moving parts lubricated, and everything was cleaned and reassembled. The camera was then sent to my friend Arnold Peterson to check out and tune up the electronics. In the meantime, I disassembled, cleaned, lubricated, and replaced the drive belt in the follow focus. I also tested the video tap and cleaned and serviced the four 1000’ magazines. With all of this work now complete, the camera is finally ready to shoot movies once more! Please visit our website at for more information and to purchase this wonderful camera. #cinemagear #arri #arriflex #arribl4s #film