Two photos of a group of five 35mm Arriflex II B and II C cameras on a table. A caption at the top right reads “Cleaning and servicing five Arriflex 35 IIB & IIC Cameras”. A caption at the bottom left reads “All cameras were all disassembled, deep cleaned, lubricated, reassembled, the timing was set, motors were installed, and the cameras were run with film. All are now ready to shoot film once again.”

Catching Up On Some ARRI 35 2B and 2C Camera

Alongside time spent with the Dykstraflex team evaluating the condition of the crane after its move out of the museum, I devoted some time this week to servicing and repairing as many of the ARRI 2B and 2C cameras I have in stock as I had time for. Among this group of 5, two cameras […]

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