An ARRI 16SR and 16M

I love 16mm cameras. I learned how to be a cinematographer with Bolex, Arriflex, and Beaulieu 16mm cameras, but my current business isn’t focused on this format. While I have not done a full service and restoration of either of these cameras, I have scrubbed and cleaned the outside of them, made sure everything was running smoothly by hand, added a couple drops of oil where it was needed, and powered them up and ran them. Both the Arri 16SR and Arri 16M seem to be good, solid cameras. The SR is missing the footage indicator plate on the back of its magazine, but other than that, at first glance, everything else on this camera seems to be working. The Arri M needed a little more scrubbing, but under the dirt is a wonderful, heavy duty, rugged 16mm camera. I’m not planning to do any further work on these cameras. They are currently offered on my website in running, but as is, unrestored condition. I hope you will stop by the site and take a look at these, and all the other cameras I am currently offering: