This Moviecam SuperAmerica was part of Bruce Taylor’s inventory and came to me for some tlc and to find it a new home. Mechanically, this camera is in fine condition, but it had a couple of minor electronics problems when it arrived. The run switch on the back of the camera was not working, the footage and frame counters needed some work, and the camera, once it started, would not stop running. My friend Arnold Peterson, genius that he is, was able to diagnose and repair these three problems and bring everything back to proper working order. While Arnie did a deep dive into the video tap, the electronics there are so out of date, they were not economically repairable. The existing video tap optics can work as a pass through to a monitor, but the imaging tube is old and the image quality is marginal. Otherwise, this is now a great working camera. The SuperAmerica series offers a number of terrific features, as it is sync sound quiet, is reasonably lightweight, so it can be used handheld or on a pan tilt head, and it has a nice bright orientable viewfinder. Sadly I don’t have the top magazine adapter for this camera, but as you see it, it is a great production tool. The camera comes with two 1000’ magazines, extra main drive boards (which had also been serviced), the diagnostic module, power cords, and cases. It’s not up on the website yet, it’s been a crazy week, but the camera is available now.