New this week: a not so vintage ARRIFLEX 435 Xtreme. This is an amazing piece of machinery that I had not put my hands on before this one came into the shop. The 435 Xtreme is the big brother of the 435, the 435 ES, and the 435 Advanced, combining and expanding upon the features of its predecessors. I have run the camera itself and all is in good working order. The integrated video system is PAL format, so while I can see a rolling image on my NTSC monitors, I can’t fully test that. I do not have any of the remote control devices that this camera talks to, but all of the panels light up and seem to be working properly. I have not been able to find the manual specific to the 435 Xtreme. If any of you have or know where I can find a copy, I would greatly appreciate it. Available now here: