Cameras Support

Preparing the Dykstraflex motion control camera crane for exhibition at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures: cleaning and lubricating the main track, servicing and lubricating the trojan helmet pan tilt head, cleaning the main track rack gear, pointing out the very high tech paper clips that are gaffers taped to the Trojan head as witness marks for positioning, testing and preparing the motion control computer ready, loading the Dykstraflex onto to truck.

Preparing for May the 4th: The Dykstraflex at the Academy Museum

As part of my involvement with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences History and Technology Subcommittee, we have been hard at work getting the Dykstraflex cleaned up and ready to be exhibited at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures. This was a long and tedious process, involving a fair amount of logistics, cleaning,

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Peter Lisand all-aluminum studio pedestals

Peter Lisand Studio Pedestals

Several years ago I bought out the remaining inventory of the Peter Lisand company, a New Jersey-based manufacturer of high quality motion picture and photographic equipment. This purchase included a number of really well designed and manufactured tripods, body braces, and these excellent studio pedestals. Most of the tripods and fluid heads went very quickly,

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Mitchell Geared Heads after restoration

Mitchell Geared Heads

An interesting question was posed recently to the committee I serve on at the Academy of Motion Picture Art and Sciences asking about the history of geared pan/tilt heads. The questioner was only aware of the Worrall geared head, so many of us contributed our experiences with other styles and manufacturers of geared heads that

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Close-up of the top of the tripod with focus on the area where the legs attach to the top.

Mystery Wooden Tripod

As we continue our quest through the backlog of tripods, I happened upon this cute wooden unit that lacks any identifying labels. The wooden legs are robustly made, but the integrated pan/tilt head was clearly designed for a smaller camera. This tripod features a cast aluminum pan/tilt head which is joined to the wooden legs

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A forest of tripods on the ceiling and floor

A Forest of Tripods!

You know how you have that one thing that you are always meaning to do, but you just never get around to it? And the longer you put it off, the larger the thing gets? Well, tripods have become that thing for me. I keep meaning to make time to photograph them and list them

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