Cameras Support

A forest of tripods on the ceiling and floor

A Forest of Tripods!

You know how you have that one thing that you are always meaning to do, but you just never get around to it? And the longer you put it off, the larger the thing gets? Well, tripods have become that thing for me. I keep meaning to make time to photograph them and list them […]

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Machining a new handle for the Fox Freehead

Machining a new handle for the Fox Freehead Camera Mount

Still not having much success getting the 80-year-old screws out of the Fox Freehead, and to avoid that frustrating task, I turned instead to replacing the missing telescoping pan tilt handle. I spent a long time studying the bad black and white photographs in the Fox Camera manual, and they showed two possibilities for the

Machining a new handle for the Fox Freehead Camera Mount Read More »