Fries Ultra 70

Repairing a Fries 3x65 15-perf Pull-Across Movement

Simple Jobs Are Never Simple: Repairing a Fries 15-perf pull-across 3×65 IMAX-format movement

A client asked me to inspect 2 more Fries 15-perf pull-across 3×65 IMAX-format movements. At first, this looked like it would be a simple project as I rebuilt a similar movement to these recently. However, no simple repair is ever as simple as it seems, and during my initial examination of the first of these […]

Simple Jobs Are Never Simple: Repairing a Fries 15-perf pull-across 3×65 IMAX-format movement Read More »

A Lens Mount Experiment

I have shown you my recent work repairing the Fries Ultra 70 3×65 IMAX format camera. The owner of this camera doesn’t have lenses that were made specifically for it, but it occurred to me that the lenses that were built for the CP65 Showscan cameras “might” work in this situation. This week I experimented

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